What if you could KNOW this will be your BEST year ever?

I hope by now, you have taken time to plan your vision for 2020. It goes without saying that writing down your vision (what you want to BE, FEEL, and HAVE) is a required step to making it a reality.

And, then I hope you’re on to the next step…

What next step?

Well, having a vision alone is not enough to achieve what you want. I don’t care what you’re trying to accomplish…Advance your career and make more money, Leave your profession and launch a business, Scale your company into the 7 or 8+ figures, Build your retirement portfolio, or whatever…

You also need to be able to:

  • Break your vision down into a plan
  • Execute your plan daily
  • Install the right habits
  • Become aware of what’s working and what’s not
  • Make adjustments along the way
  • Develop laser like focus
  • Strengthen your consistency
  • Direct your willpower wisely
  • Harness your emotions
  • And on and on..

It turns out there is a FORMULA and it includes 9 dimensions (or building blocks) that MUST be in place to confidently hit your target in business and life.

These are the same 9 dimensions that individuals like Grant Cardone, Darren Hardy, Oprah Winfrey, and so many other high achievers naturally follow in their own lives.

Every highly successful person follows this formula.

I finally “made it” when I broke through the “traps” and followed the formula.

Once you understand and apply the formula, you can practically guarantee achieving what you want.

  • Buying rentals for your Retirement portfolio …DONE!
  • Double or Triple your annual income…DONE!
  • Get back in shape and have peak energy…DONE!
  • Spend more time with your family…DONE!
  • Or whatever you want in your life

In fact, the better you get at the formula, the more you can accomplish in less time, which means you have more time and energy to devote to your health, or your family, or whatever you choose.

If you’d like to win the most important game there is…the MENTAL GAME, then I’m inviting you to join me at an upcoming workshop where I’ll personally walk you through the FORMULA and show you the most common roadblocks that keep most people stuck.

This FULL day workshop is on January 18th in Austin, TX (details sent upon registration)

To Register, goto


I believe we have 15 spots remaining…

I hope 2020 becomes your best year ever.
